Understanding The Parts of the Sentence

  • English Grammer
  • Super Admin
  • 2024-05-16
  • (588)
Understanding The Parts of the Sentence

In English grammar, there are several parts of a sentence that work together to create a complete thought.

A Sentence is a collection of words that conveys a coherent idea or message. 

The main parts of a sentence include 

  • Subject

  • Predicate

  • Object

  • Adjective

  • Adverb

  • Preposition

  • Conjunction

1. What is a subject?

The subject of a sentence is the focal point, the entity around which the sentence revolves. It's what or whom the rest of the sentence is centered on, conveying the primary idea or concept.

Example: The cat sleeps on the mat.

  • “The cat” is the subject.

2. What is a Predicate?
The predicate of a sentence is the part of the sentence that tells something about the subject. It typically consists of the verb and any additional information or modifiers related to the verb.

Example: The cat sleeps on the mat.
“Sleep on the mat” is the predicate.

The birds
are flying in the sky.
The boys of this school
are strong in football
The sun
is shining brightly.
has finished her homework.

3. What is an object?

An object in a sentence is the recipient or target of the action performed by the verb, completing the action or indicating the result of it.

In an ASSERTIVE SENTENCE, the object comes after the verb.
The object receives the action of the verb.

He eats rice.
In this sentence, rice is the object of the sentence.
Usually, it answers the questions of what or whom about the verb.

There are two types of objects. Below are described details

1. Direct objects - directly receive the action of the verb.
2. Indirect object - Indirectly receives the action, typically indicating to whom or for whom the action is done.

Example: She gave him a gift.
“A gift” is the direct object
“Him” is the indirect object.

4. What is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about its quantity, quality, size, condition, or other characteristics.


  • The red car sped down the highway.
  • She is a brilliant student.
  • They live in a small house.

5. What is an Adverb?
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb by providing additional information about how, when, where to what extent, or under what conditions something happens.


  • He ran quickly.
  • She sings beautifully.
  • They arrived yesterday.
  • It is very hot today

6. Preposition
A preposition is a connecting word that establishes a relationship between different elements within a sentence, often indicating the position, direction, or relationship of one thing to another.


  • The cat is on the mat.
  • She went to the store.
  • The book is under the table.
  • They arrived after the meeting.

7. Conjunction

A conjunction is a linguistic bridge that links elements within a sentence, facilitating coherence and conveying relationships between ideas or components.

There are three main types of conjunctions: coordinating, Subordinating, and Correlative.
Coordinating Conjunctions(Fanboys: for, and, nor, but or yet so):
I want to play in the playground, but it is raining.
She can sing and dance.

Subordinating conjunctions:
- She left early because she was tired.
- We will go out if it stops raining.

Correlative Conjunctions:
Either you go with your father, or you can stay with your mom.
He is not only smart but also hardworking.

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